Raphael Tuju is the hope of Luo Nyanza

Raphael Tuju, a technocrat and a former member of parliament from Rarieda in siaya County formally nyanza province is the only hope so far that the luo community can look upto.

Tuju served as a cabinet minister in the Narc government and his performance was exemplary. Tuju is the current Secretary General of the jubilee party, the largest party in Kenya.

Tuju harbors progressive ideas that are helpful and sound to fire luo people to destiny. The current political leaders from the region have lacked progressive ideas and thus hold people at ransom. The crop of leadership now from the region are kleptomaniacs who does not mind about the welfare of the great people of the region.

In his stint as the minister and the member of parliament, Tuju brought sanity to ailing sectors including health in his backyard. He charted the path the people and by extension leaders were not used to hence he was fought veeery hard hence his unceremoniously ousted.

Tuju is the hope that not only the luo community are proud of but by extension all ambitious kenyan people who are chasing their dreams... He is smart and can work for his people.

The canaan narrative that was abuzz in the last elections is more practicle with Tuju am and the like minded leaders. Jubilee is lucky to have Tuju as its secretary general with his professionalism and prowess. Tuju always deliver, he is the hope of so many young Kenyans out there.


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